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Self Help Tips
Anxiety & Panic
 Anxiety & Panic Attacks Treatment and Therapy in Philadelphia and World Wide

Anxiety & Panic:
Anxiety and panic is one of the most common mood disorders. Anxiety usually occurs with an occurrence of fear and/or stress.  When an individual has an anxiety or panic attack, it is due to the lack of control of the situation or having a difficult time coping with the current status.  Some symptoms include excessively sweating, difficulty breathing, nausea, headaches, fatigue and etc.

Some personality distinction for Anxiety:

  • The person seem to be excessively worried and tense.
  •  The person may seem to have a negative and exaggerate ideas or problems.
  • The person always tends to be restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy” and easily irritated.
  • The person may have physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, sweating, nausea, shaky, and tiredness.
  • During events or social networking, the person can have nervousness and have short attention span.  When an individual is spoken too, the person may get startled, signs of trembling or stuttering. 
  •  The person can also associate anxiety disorder with sleeping and eating disorder. 
  • Some causes of anxiety involve genetics, neurons in the brain, and environmental changes


Three Components of Anxiety:

 Genetics Anxiety and Panic Attacks are often a genetic disorder, thus, one can often observe a history of anxiety and panic disorder within the family line.  Understanding family patterns and what others have done to cope with the problem can help you in your struggles.  

 Neurology – The amygdala is center controller of all emotions within the human body.  It controls how we feel and shouldn’t feel.  There are occasions where internal or external chemicals enter the amygdala, which cause anxiety.  Things we shouldn’t be afraid of become severe and realistic phobia. For instance, you can think back of when you were younger and you would climb trees and ride the highest and scariest rides, but now seeing a roller coaster would make you nervous and nausea. How can this have happened?  This is cause by your amygdala and it had developed this fear.

 Environmental – Environment (cultural values and expectations, how you were raised, and your life experiences) play a large role in behavior.  Environmental and life and experiences can have a profound influence on the development of anxiety and / or panic attacks.     

 Observing patterns in high transitory moments can provide insight

  1.  Moving
  2.  Graduations (from pre-school, to graduate school)
  3.  Job changes
  4. Divorces, or break-ups

Notice what happened right before, during and how you handled the situation.

bserving patterns in the onset of anxious moments or panic attacks can provide you with useful information in terms of helping you better to understand yourself.

  1.  Out of the blue
  2.    When you have to say something that you believe the other person will disagree with
  3. Talking in public
  4.  Parties
  5. When you are tired
  6.  When you are with your family
  7. Etc.

Notice what happened right before, during and how you handled the situation.

When seeking therapy, it is always preferable to choose a therapist who has experience working with this issue that you like to focus on in treatment. Remember, not every therapist will have the same approach. Best to schedule several first appointments, then choose the therapist you liked best!  

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Improving Self Esteem
by "Alex" Caroline Robboy, CAS, MSW, ACSW, LCSW

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