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Info For Professionals

Therapist profiles are free.   Please take a few minutes and fill out your profile now.

We strongly encourage you to include

  • a photograph of yourself
  • a resume
  • self-help tips

The more clients know about you, the better off both of you are.  By reading about your philosophy, your approach, your style clients are able to make a more informed decision about which therapist will be the best fit for them.  If you are struggling with how to write a good self-help tip, please feel free to email us at and include your phone number and we would be happy to give you feedback.   

Additionally, if you know of any career opportunities, continuing education classes, workshops or conferences, that you think others might benefit from, please include the information.    

Click here to create an account.
© 2024 The Center for Growth, Inc., 233 S. 6th Street, Suite C-33, Philadelphia PA 19106 | site by Pengull Media