Marriage Counseling in Philadelphia
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Michael Broder, Ph.D.
Contact this therapist
Philadelphia, PA 19103
In addition to making life changes and solving problems, I believe that an important part of therapy involves the development of insight, which I define as a level of wisdom necessary to master the use of whatever tools you will need when even your most difficult and daunting relationship, personal and career situations once again challenge you after treatment is over
My specialty is helping you to: resolve relationship issues (as a couple or individually); transition through a divorce, separation or breakup; determine whether a relationship is viable; overcome stress disorders and emotional states such as anxiety, depression and anger.
Additional information:
I am best known for my popular books on different aspects of relationships: including: "Can Your Relationship Be Saved? How To Know Whether To Stay or Go","The Art of Living Single," "Psychology Today: Secrets of Sexual Ecstasy" and "The Art Of Staying Together" plus many self-help audio programs. For over 32 years,I have treated adults and couples with an approach that blends mindfulness and results oriented cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. I also do telephone sessions, by request, with people around the world who have read my books and/or used my audio programs. My website is”
Area of Specialization:
. Adults
..Marriage Counseling
Anger Management
Relationship Problems
Sexual Function / Dysfunction
I work strictly in a private practice setting.
Payment types accepted:

PA License# 003069-L
34 yrs. general counseling
27 yrs. marriage counseling
© 2024 The Center for Growth, Inc., 233 S. 6th Street, Suite C-33, Philadelphia PA 19106 | site by Pengull Media